The Compass Rose takes you to the top page...just in case a Search Engine dropped you in the middle of all this!
Now the question-and-answer format is over. And it is my sincere hope that your questions about Celestial Navigation have been answered.
This section points to some Web Pages for further information. None of these Pages are essential to understanding the altitude-intercept method, so that is why these topics have been sent back here--just something extra for the truly interested visitor. The Appendices consider:
Spherical Triangles and Celestial Navigation
If I grow restless to write more html documents, I may one day write the "hinted" Appendices: H.O. 249 and the mechanical description of the sextant.
Of course, if you would like to go beyond my work, there are excellent astronomy resources on the Web from many authors. Perhaps the best place to start would be to learn the names and locations of the brightest stars without expensive instruments. Here is a fine link for introducing you to that:
Go to the Celestial Navigation Appendices.
Go to the Entry Point to this tutorial